There have also been another couple of fundraisers, thank you so very much, we are planning to take the boys back to South Africa next year for a little escape. You have all been so supportive, it is really appreciated. Thank you!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
There have also been another couple of fundraisers, thank you so very much, we are planning to take the boys back to South Africa next year for a little escape. You have all been so supportive, it is really appreciated. Thank you!
Friday, December 12, 2008
In my mind
In My Mind
by Jenn Farrell
Somewhere in my dreams tonight
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A massive thank you.....
We are trying to sort out all the paperwork that goes along with a death and trying to get back on track with day to day items. Something is missing. It's almost like we can't find something, feels very strange. For the last 6 months our lives have been consumed with Adam, hospitals, treatments, appointments and having fun......... now it's empty. Don't really know how else to explain it......very strange.
It's only now that we realise just how huge Adam's journey has been for us as a family and the intensity of it all. Now there is nothing. How are were supposed to move on and continue our lives, adjust to not having him with us, like I say it's very strange.
I want to thank everyone for their unquestionable support to us as a family. This is anyone who ever read this blog, attended a fundraiser, sent us texts, emails and cards, for the flowers we received, the massive turnout for Adams funeral, the support given to us regarding Adam's brothers, for Spike and David's employers for allowing time off and absences, the boys school for their understanding, nurses, doctor and staf at the Western general Hospital and the Sick Kids Hospital, the list really is endless and I am sorry that I can't mention you all by name - you know who you are.
We continue to have your support in the months to come and are grateful for that, the last 6 months with Adam passed in a whirlwind but we had an amazing time and built some fab memories for us as a family which I hope will help us cope in the future. Please don't underestimate your own part in Adam's journey.
The retiral collection at Adam's funeral raised a massive £2220.00. This has been split between Cclasp and ward 2 at the Sick Kids - both are overwhelmed by your generosity and the funds will be used to help other children and families in similar situations to the one we found ourselves in.
For now, Lynn xx
"The mention of my child's name may bring tears to my eyes,
But it never fails to bring music to my ears.
If you are really my friend, let me hear the music of his name!
It soothes my broken heart and sings to my soul! "
~Author Unknown ~
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Funeral details
We would request that you wear bright colours.
Famly Flowers only please as a collection will be taken up at the end in aid of CClasp and Ward 2 (Oncology) at the Sick Kids Hospital Edinburgh.
Lynn & Spike
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Our journeys' end.
Although we had been told his condition was incurable it was often very hard to imagine our lives without him and so we have never stopped doing things with Adam and his brothers. If you have been following his journey then you will know that we never really took time to draw a breath in between our adventures over the last 6 months and 10 days since he was diagnosed. We have pretty much done everything we could possibly think of in our given time.
Adam's progression started to become apparent to us when we were at Center parcs a few weeks ago, he had become unsteady on his feet for a few weeks before we went but otherwise he was just our wee Adam, never sitting still for very long. While at Center parcs he became weak down his left hand side and could not stand or walk very well without assistance and he also started complaining of headaches again. He started to be sick and became quite weak. we packed up and came home early with Adam and myself going straight to the Sick Kids Hospital.
At hospital he was assessed and started on steroids to reduce the pressure of the tumour and referred to physio for exercises for his left arm and leg. An MRI scan was arranged for the following day and unfortunately this showed some progression from his last scan in July. We both got to see his scan pictures and have them on disc. This helped us to understand the areas the doctors were talking about and we could see the differences ourselves.
We got him home on Friday 24th October although he was still weak and had a busy week that followed with physio, dietitian, occupational therapy, etc . He seems to pick up a little and we worked through that week.
On Saturday 1st November both Adam and Paul had a tummy bug and had sickness and diarrhoea (which Marc had on the Thursday night and Scott ended up with on the Sunday night). This really floored Adam and he had a restful day on the Sunday, He was able to eat and drink on the Sunday although he just lay on the sofa all day. On Monday morning he wasn't eating or drinking so when the community nurse arrived for her appointment we agreed the best thing to do was give him a liquid feed through his peg. We started of slowly to build up his tolerance and he was on it all day, he still hadn't had a drink so when his feed was finished we gave him water through his peg before starting an overnight feed. Unfortunately he was very sick and we stopped his feed, gave him calpol for a headache and tried to settle him, after an hour he was still complaining of headaches so we phoned the hospital for advice and gave him some ibuprofen. After about 10 mins he was sick again so we took him to the hospital where after a few hours in A&E for assessment (as it was out of hours) we were admitted to another ward as ward 2 was full.
His steroids were increased and he was put on a drip to rehydrate him. In the morning we were moved to ward 2 and given a cubicle. We wanted to take him home but needed to get a bed from the hospital as his bed at home no longer suitable. His progression was very rapid and changed from day to day, on Wednesday we were told that his progression was much faster than anyone had anticipated and that we were probably only looking at weeks by this point Adam could barely speak, we then planned to bring our Christmas forward to 22nd November. On Wednesday evening when Spike brought the boys up to visit Adam was waving and smiling at them and we got him up into a wheelchair and went to the playroom with them, we all spent about an hour there and I really think Adam had fun even though he was limited, by this point his speech had gone completely. On Thursday Spike and I went to Rachel House, the children's hospice in Kinross with a view of taking the boys there for a few days respite. That place is a wonderful place, and we quickly signed up to go in a couple of weeks time. Feeling quite positive we returned to the hospital and spent the rest of the day with Adam and the boys. Adam appeared to be having problems focusing on faces and we were told he probably had double vision. During the night from Thursday to Friday his breathing changed and he was making noises like he had phlegm stuck and as he couldn't cough to clear it it was almost gurgling (very strange sound). I was awake from 3.15am that morning and couldn't get back to sleep so start to listen to our iPod and chose a could of songs to include in his forthcoming service. At 6.40 I text Spike and told him that I think we should keep the boys off school as we needed to tell them about Adam's progression and the timescale we had. By 9.30am I was chatting to his consultant who then told me that his breathing was an issue and that we only had days (if that). Spike arrived, we chatted and broke the news to the boys. We then decided it was in Adam's best interest to stay in hospital, all through his illness we were adamant that he would be at home at the end but when the time came we knew we would not be able to give him the specialist care he needed in his final few days.
We were moved to a more private room with en-suite facilities so we didn't even need to leave his room if we didn't want to, we decide Christmas was now no longer 22nd November but infact the following day 8th November. So off I went Christmas shopping with our good friend Sharon and go a few goodies for the boys and my nephew and 2 nieces, a Christmas tree and decorations, as we had text all our family and close friends we had a few visitors that afternoon and evening and I made use of them by getting them to decorate Adam's room. Adam's breathing had become very noisy and we were concerned. My dear friend Nicola came up later when everyone else was gone and wrapped all the presents for us and our close mate Jason sat making paper chains. It was very peaceful and quite festive. Later on when we were alone with Adam we were told in a very gentle way to expect the worst soon. We were then constantly with Adam. Stuart and Dionne had the other 3 boys for us. As the evening progressed Adam became weaker and although his breathing looked very sore we were assured he was in no pain and had no complaints from him so his morphine was working, although his dose was very small, it showed it was enough and that his pain (if any) was minimal. I tried to have a nap but after less than an hour I was woken with Adam being sick, after he was cleaned and changed his breathing became very noisy, gurgly and his whole body was lifting and his bed was shaking with all his hard work to get enough oxygen.
As time went on and we were both holding his hands we remembered that someone had told us that young children especially need permission to go. So we started to talk to Adam about my mum and dad, who both passed in the last 5 years. We asked him if he could see Grandad Bob playing golf and that he would be waiting for a game with him and we asked him if Granny Livvy was playing the piano, to which he responded with a huge nod of his head. Deciding that this was a positive response (which we had not had from Adam in almost a day) we kept going. We asked Adam if he could see Granny getting closer to him and if he could he was to take her hand, to which he responded by squeezing my hand with his left hand that he had had no power in for almost 3 weeks. We told him to start walking with Granny, to keep walking, keep walking after a little while his breathing slowed right down , almost as though he was relaxing, he had taken about 8 breaths like this when Stuart and Dionne arrived and shared his last few breaths with us - their timing was perfect, it was lovely to have them with us.
It also gave us a sense of peace, Adam had in fact been very lucky in that he avoided alot of the nasty progression symptoms that go with this tumour. He never lost his sight, he never lost his hearing, he did not become incontinent, he did not have any seizures and didn't have the severe headaches. Apart from his loss of mobility and double vision, he had no suffering for which we are very, very thankful. Things could have been very, very bad for him.
We spent some time with Adam after and David and Spike's mum came up to see him and say goodbye too. He was moved to the chapel were we saw him again then we left the hospital.
We headed home at 5.30am before heading to Stuart and Dionne's for 7am to be there for the boys wakening up and to break the sad news that their brother had gone to be with Granny and Grandad.
Although Adam's journey in this life has ended we are sure that he will be running around, playing golf and tennis and having fun with all his new friends.
I suppose in a way this is the start of a new journey for all of us now as we try to adjust to a family life without him.
I want to thank everyone who ever read this blog, who shared our journey with Adam and for all the wonderful support that we have received and continue to receive from you all. You truly are amazing and we are very, very lucky to have you all in our lives.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Adam's journey would not have been as full this last 6 months without all of you.
We love you all.
We will post details of Adam's funeral when we have them.
Lynn, Spike, David, Paul, Marc and Scott
Saturday, November 01, 2008
More photos.....
Adam had a day at the Hibs training ground, tour of facilities and lunch and met players, those pictures are here.
What else we been up to.......
Center Parcs, was a bit of a wash out (weather wise), but some pictures here.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
At last.....
Since the last update we have been lucky enough to have had a few adventures with the boys. Our first trip was to Legoland and then on to Folkestone. We travelled during the night to Windsor to Legoland as we thought that would be better for the kids as it was such a long journey, we just had a nice slow drive, stopping off every couple of hours for tea and fresh air, the kids slept most of the way which was great, we ecouldn't get into our hotel until after 3pm so went straight to Legoland for it opening at 10am.Legoland was just as great as we had been told it would be and more. The boys had a fab time (so did we) I think we appreciated more the time involved in making all the constructions but think that went over the kids heads a bit. The timing was perfect too as most of the English kids had gone back to school that week so the place was quiter than it would have been a week or two before. The weather wasn't too fantstic and we had to wear our waterproofs a few times each day but it didn't dampen our enthusiasm. Most of the out door rides we did it the first 2 days which was just as well because the third day was torrential rain and we did the indoor activities then, before heading off to Folkestone.
Pictures from Legoland are here.
This is too funny not to share....... here.
Our trip over to Folkestone from Windsor was fine and we made it in good time even though it was friday and we had to go via the M25. After arriving at our hotel our friends Paul and Angie came to meet us and we follwed them to their house. Paul had made his speciality for tea, chicken nuggets and chips! LOL....well that's what the kids had....we had thai green curry .... it was delicious! After tea we had a lovely catch up before heading back to our hotel. Adam was very tired but it had been a long day. We had a great few days with Paul, Angie, Paul and Megan. They really made us feel more than welcome and had taken the time to be with us all weekend. Thank you guys - it was great and the boys want to come back! (Must have been the chicken nuggets!!!). On the saturday as Paul and Spike went for a game of golf, Angie took myself and the kids to an adventure play area not far from her house. The boys were all running around daft and then I noticed a familiar was a girl (well a woman now!!) called Steph that I had worked with years ago (before kids). We had both worked for the same company but in different branches she worked in Erith in Kent and I was in the Edinburgh office. We haven't seen each other in about 10 years, although we do keep in touch via the internet. It was just really amazing to bump into her like that. Steph tragically lost her husband a year past in a motorbike accident and I felt so helpless being so far away, finally I was able to give her a huge cuddle. She was there with her two kids Caitlin and Callum, who I have only ever seen pictures off - they are even more gorgeous in the flesh. We had a BBQ on the saturday with lots of other friends, which was great too. Another late night but a nice end to a great day.
Pictures of Folkstone are here.
More to follow...................................
Lynn x
Monday, October 06, 2008
Computer problems
Will update over next few days. Adam is doing well and coping with full days at school.
More later though.
Thanks for continuing to support us.
Lynn x
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Another week gone by so fast....
Saturday we had a visit from our friends' daughter Ashley and her friend Adele. It was great to see them and Adam really enjoyed them being here. Our other friend, Dode, had also given Adam some money that he had collected in tips from his taxi customers (thank you all very much) with this money we bought Adam a battery operated vehicle. His balance is a little off at the moment and he has lost confidence in riding his bike so we thought this was a good option for him, it also helps conserve his energy not having to pedal! Ashley and Adele went over to the local school playground with the boys. Adam in his robot car and the boys on their bikes. They all had a great time as you can see. The boys also found a huge puddle and were happily riding through this........
Here is Marc and Scott after riding through that puddle!!!
I also want to use this opportunity to talk about Ashley's dad, Glen. Spike has known Glen for a long, long time and we have only recently been made aware of the fact that he is infact a master baker. Glen has the hidden talent of being able to product mouthwatering scones! I know it seems trivial but to someone like me whose scones turn into rock buns in the oven I am very impressed. He is very modest though - to the point he would probably not even admit to this skill. As he is so modest I have decided to share a picture of his produce with you all.
Sunday was my niece, Ava's dedication service at the Salvation Army, followed by a breakfast and full day party with all the family. It went really well, she is such a wee sweetheart. It was a fantastic service at the Salvation Army, there was singing, and even a puppet show - it really was brilliant. Here are some pictures.
Phew - that was a busy weekend. On to Monday, Adam very reluctant going into school this morning, I had to go in with him, after 15 minutes of crying and disruption to the class I decided to take him home. This afternoon he had his bloods done and again they are all really good, so we can continue with his next cycle of chemo next week. Paul was also off school today as he had an upset tummy. He was ok though, he's having a bit of a tough time just now and is having sessions with the play specialist at the sick kids to help him adjust and understand his feelings.
Tuesday and Adam, Spike and I went into school this morning, he became unsettled again and we thought we were going to have to take him away again but I decided to persevere with it. Spike went away and I stayed with him, once he was settled and involved with a task, I slipped away - he was absolutely fine! So plan is for now that I go with him and stay for a little while and then leave, he knows this and is ok with it. To be honest I think he has become so used to being with us everyday that he is having mild seperation anxiety, and as much as we want to spend as much time as possible with him we also realise this would be unhealthy for all of us and he needs to still soicialise with others. I had a girls night tonight - was great to see you all, sorry I left early but was just really tired.
Wednesday was much better at school, no crying at all and I managed to get away after only 20 minutes, he seems to be getting used to a routine again. Was tired after breaktime but I think we need to expect that.
Thursday and Paul not had a good night at all, found it very hard to settle and was up and down during the night. Adam also had a restless night so we decided that Spike would have a boys day with the two of them. We feel it is important that all the boys spend individual time with Adam as well as family time. The boys had a lovely day and so did I - a day to myself. Went shopping in the morning with Nicola and her mum - thank you both was nice to "escape" for a bit. I also got some beautiful flowers delivered today, which was a huge suprise - thanks Trish and Yvonne!
Friday, school went fine, no problems at all. He had a really good day his teacher said, I am so pleased. When Adam was first diagnosed and we were told he was incurable and would die, my initial thought was "why bother with school, he would be better off just having fun than learning stuff he will never need", now, however, seeing him at school makes me so proud of him and what he has already been through. School is very important from a social point of view not only educational. We would like to thank St Ninian's school staff, teachers, helpers, parents, children and anyone else connected with the school for their support and understanding - you are very special people and we appreciate everything. Thank you all!
Ok, my fingers are sore after all this typing so I am off, we are away next week to Legoland and Folkestone with the boys so will no doubt have loads more to share with you soon.
Lots of love from all of us!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Adam started school today!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
What a week!
On arrival on Monday we unpacked abit and the boys started to play. Spike and I set about building a climbing frame to go in the garden, we got the main part done but then the rain started and kept on all night. Had a nice quite night in front of the telly with only 4 channels!!! It was like returning to the dark ages, we are so spoiled with our digital tv at home.
The weather on Tuesday wasn't much better, we had a little drive into Perth and got in some supplies then back home again. The boys were able to play pool in the summer house while we were in the house.
Wednesday and we decided to go to a local wildlife park before we set off I noticed that one of the car windows was smashed. We are not sure how this happened, the boys all deny all knowledge of it so we have no explanation. We then had to go to Perth to a VW garage to see about getting it replaced, they do not deal with commercial vehicles and as we have a transporter this is classed as a van/minibus so the nearest place was Edinburgh. We phoned and ordered the window to be ready for our return of Friday, then headed off to Homebase to buy MDF, plastic sheeting and tape to secure the window for a few days. We did eventually make it to the wildlife park, it was great, loads of animals to see, an old fire engine for the kids to play on, a cafe and shop, the wether also cleared up and became very warm. So all in all we still mamanged to have a good day.
Thursday we went to a Christmas shop near by and the boys all picked a special tree decoartion for this christmas. I tried to explain that this was going to be a special Christmas as it may be our last with Adam but I think it went over their heads. Was a beautiful place and glad we went. After that we just to Crieff for a wander, had lunch then home to the cottage, the boys played for a bit then we all headed up the the golf course where Spike, Marc and Scott went round the course. Adam, Paul and I waited in the club house as they were only playing 9 holes, it was lovely and sunny and was a pleasent wasy to end the day. Home for tea, showers and a DVD.
Can't believe Friday came so quickly, we could easily hae stayed longer. It is so quite, the neighbours are all very friendly anfd was a nice change of scenery away from hospitals etc. But , all good things must come to an end so we packed up and came home. Window wasn't in yet for the car so Spike having to go back on Saturday to get it fitted.
Saturday, weather wasn't too bad, didn't do too much though, catching up with washing etc and just chilling.
Sunday again was relatively quite we went out late afternoon for our dinner with David, Roxzhan, Val, Auntie Celia and David's mum, Caroline as a birthday celebration for David. He is 21 on Monday. Can't believe where the years have gone, I met David when he was almost 9, seems like another lifetime. I also checked our bank account online tonight to discover 2 items not made by us. Somone has booked themselves a flight and travel insurance at our expense!
Monday and we decided to have a stay at home day again mainly due to the weather and getting kids clothes all ready for starting back to school on Wednesday. I phoned the bank about the 2 items and they have now launched a fraud investigation and I amy need to be inteviewed by the police!! Bloody cheeky gits - £672 they took!! We should hopefully get that back soon though. Adam had his bloods done this morning and they are all fine. He is having a little trouble going to the toilet but I think that could be the chemo also his appetite has taken a bit of a nose dive so need to keep an eye on that.
Tuesday we went to the bowling with the boys, had our lunch and they played about on the machines for a while, went to the shops to get packed lunch supplies to later find out our school was closed due to strike action! Boo Hoo!! I was so looking forward to them going back, needless to say they were all delighted!!
On to today, Spike and Scott went back to VW garage to sort out the broken wing mirror from months ago and to get new car seat covers fitted. They then had a nice boys tiem and went for lunch. I stayed at home with the other boys who just played around in the house because - yes, you guessed it - it was once again pouring with rain!!!
I meant to mention before too that Spike has played a couple of charity golf games recently, one was a PRO-AM in aid of the Sick Kids Hospital and the other was for Marie Curie Cancer Care. He was delighted to be able to play in these competitions and to be able to give back something, especially as we are getting so much support from all around us.
We have also still been receiving collections from people for Adam and I wanted to say once again how grateful we are for this. We are delighted to be able to take the boys to Legoland and Disneyland Paris next month. Things that would not have been possible without your generosity. Thank you all so much for everything, we are building up some wonderful family memories and collecting some great photos along the way.
I promise to post some new photos very soon.
Lynn x
PS Adam starts school tomorrow!!!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
We are off....
Monday was pretty uneventful, Adam and Scott went to the holiday club at the community centre and the rest of us had a chill out day. Adam restarted his chemotherapy for 3 weeks. Paul, Marc and Scott went to a Siblings Evening at the Sick Kids tonight. This is an annual event for siblings to meet others in a similar situation, to see around the hospital, to chat about their worries and ask questions about treatments etc. They also had a craft time and pizza! Paul is making up a special Memory Book with Pictures of him and Adam with the help of Helen , the play specialist from ward 2.
Tuesday we went to West Calder, it was 20 years since my granny had died and we went to the cemetry with flowers then we went to visit my Auntie Jean for lunch but as we were arriving unannounced we took lunch with us. The boys enjoyed running around playing in her garden. They then had a birthday Party at Clownaround so it was all go!
Wednesday we had our biannual family outing to the dentist! They must love it when we go, we take over the place. LOL As the weather was pretty bad we decided to go to the cinema with the boys to see Wall-e. They had been asking for a few weeks to go and it was really good. A nice story and some really funny bits. I love kids movies!
Also while I am talking about the cinema I forgot last week that my lovely friend Nic took me to the cinema to see Mamma Mia, it was great - just what the doctor ordered a real feel good film, although Pierce Brosnan can't sing! Cheers Nic!
Thursday, another quite day. David came and took Paul and Marc to the cinema to see The Dark Knight, which they seemed to really enjoy.
Friday another quite day, weather was pants! Saturday weather was still pants! LOL Paul went to the cinema with Madge, Frank, Alan and Liam to see The Mummy 3 - had a lovely time - thanks for taking him!
Saturday night I managed a night out with some of my playground chums, a chance for us to chat up before we hit the playground a week on Wenesday. Not the I am counting or anything but it is only 10 sleeps til they go back! woo hoo!
Today was spent getting ready for going away and to give Adam a chacne to relax today, he been a little under the weather with an upset tummy but seems better today.
Anyway am off for now, will catch up again soon!
Lynn x
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Another busy week!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Especially for Glen and Jennifer.....
Our friends Glen and Jennifer have told me they check this twice EVERY day and are not happy that there is nothing new to read....I think they are really just worried that I will post their pictures from Jedburgh. Oh they are here. Hee Hee!
Anyway let get things updated....what have we been up to the last few weeks.
Well we have been to haggerston Castle for a holiday and then to Jedburgh "camping" for a wet weekend except that we were in a caravan unlike the two families we were with!!! Jennifer loved it though and can't wait to do it all again!!! ha ha!!! i think the tent is on sale on ebay!! LOL
Pictures from Haggertson are here.
We have also made the papers....we had an article printed in the Edinburgh Evening News, you can read it here, there are no pictures online but when I get them from the photographer I will post them here for you.
There have been 2 fundraisers this weekend too to raise funds for us to take Adam and the boys to Legoland and Euro Disney. Thank you so much.....peoples generosity is amazing. It is certainly easing things financially for us in that we are able to do lots with the boys during the holidays that we would otherwise not be able to afford. Thank you, thank you , thank you!
We have got quite a busy week ahead too, hoping for nice weather tomorrow as we want to take the boys to the zoo, on tuesday Adam is scheduled to have an MRI scan, this will give us some indication on how sucessful the radiotherapy has been, wednesday we get told the results, so fingers crossed that it has worked as well as it could have, thursday we are up in Perth for a special opening ceremony where Adam is VIP cutting the ribbon for CCLASP's new holiday cottage, friday should be quieter and we are going to our friends Dode and Sharon's for dinner. On saturday Adam has been invited to be mascot at the Hibs v Middlesborough game at Easter Road, we are all going, and then next sunday, Spike golfing all day, David is taking paul and Marc to Sunderland to the Ajax game and Val, Adam, Scott and I are all going to CCLASP's annual family I think you will agree a busy week ahead, will try and get back on as soon as I can and post pictures of those adventures.
Adam is still coping quite well, in the last week he has become a little unsteady on his feet and puts his head to one side to look at things - these are normal symptoms of his tumour. He is very tired and we need to take his wheelchair most places now if we have walking to do, he seems to enjoy it though am sure we would all cope with getting a "lift" every now and again, eh? Don't quite know how we are managing all this but we have to keep going, can't waste a day!
Ok am signing off again for now.
Lynn x
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Am so,so sorry....
Firstly, we are all well. Adam has now finished his 6 weeks of radiotherapy and chemotherapy and we are now on a 4 week break from treatment. He has also graduated from nursery, our last child leaving nursery - quite a moment for us, we've been supplying kids for the nursery for 7 years !!! But alas no more!!! School uniforms are all bought and awaiting the 20th/21st August....yipee!!!!
Ok, a quick round up and some photos for you all.......
Local community organised a fundraiser and raised an overwhelming amount of money for Adam, everyone has been so kind and generous. We also had a day out (27 of us!!) to Blair drummond Safari Park, which was all paid for by various companies and businesses in the grassmarket area. Huge thank you to you all - it was a great day and Adam loved it!
The last week of his radiotherapy, June decided to pop off to Spain!! Ha ha, arranged ages ago, just so happened it landed on Adam's last week. We did, however, have the fabulous Hazel for a week and knowing the things that June had Scooby and Scrappy doing she had her work cut out for her. I have to say though, she did a great job. On our last day we had a wee party, we had also woken Adam's best pal Calum up early to take him to hospital with us. After the boys had a tour of the hospital (or so it felt) they got some pics taken with the radio machine and having a party with Scooby and Scrappy. I must add though that on the Tuesday that week, Adam had a wee cry to himself - he wanted June back! Awww! Get the hankies out! He really missed her that week. Anyways, Calum's Nana made a lovely cake for all the nurses and staff at the Western to say thanks and we took in some lovely chocolates - which I think were well recieved!!
After that it was school's out for summer!! Oh No....7 weeks of no school - what am I going to do???!!!
Plan was to go to Haggerston on Monday 30th, as Adam has no treatment scheduled and we had also booked it back in January. All was well until 3.30am Sunday 29th, Adam woke us up and he was very hot. I too his temperature 38.8 (101 ) and gave him some calpol, after half an hour I took his temperature again and it was the same, phone the sick kids and they told me to bring him in. So off I went at 4.30am with Adam to hospital, thinking we would be in and out in a couple of hours - how wrong was I! Spike and the 3 boys went to Haggerston on Monday as planned but Adam and I were in hospital until Wednesday lunchtime! He had an infection of the blood and needed IV anti biotics and was also given a platelet transfusion. Was a tough few days but we got through it and made it to Haggerston for the rest of the holiday. Thanks to Susan and Megan for "chuming" me on my first long distance drive (was a bit nervous as I haven't gone that far before) and for staying with us for the night, was nice to have you with us. Also David and Roxzhan came down on Saturday for the day/night - a shame that they brought the rain with them but they are forgiven!!! LOL Will post haggerston stuff after this as we took over 500 pictures and I need to sort through them first!!
So back to the grind again - the boys are all booked in for the holiday club at the community centre, so that is good. It's monday - wednesday 10am - 2 pm for 5 weeks.
Some news too - we had an article printed about us in our community paper (will try to scan it and upload for you all to read), a way to let everyone know how touched we are of the support we had been receiving in the community from all directions. It has been unbelievable.
More exciting news - Adam had been asked to be VIP at Cclasp's official opening of their new holiday cottage in Perth at end of the month. He will cut the ribbon! This is also being covered by the Evening News so watch out as we shall be appearing in that soon too!
We are off to Jedburgh this weekend too with our friends and their families, they are camping but we are hiring a caravan, looking forward to it.
Thanks for sticking with us and for your patience!
Lynn x